Sunday, January 31, 2016

God wants nothing but the best for you at all times!

your full potential, happiness, satisfaction, blessing, grace,

Do you honestly think that God wants yo to suffer, be in fear, 
have anxiety, worry, stress, unhappy, not satisfied?

God wants nothing but the best for you at all times!

God is more for you, than you are.

God wants to bless you, protect you, guide you, provide for you and heal you.
God doesn't want you to be in lack, God doesn't want any type of hurt or harm for you.

God has an unlimited supply of healing and provision for you.

You were Graced for Life!
You are his greatest creation,
the apple of His eye.

There is nothing to big for Him that He wouldn't do for you.
You were Graced for Life in abundance, peace, joy, love, openness, honesty, 
prosperity and wholeness, nothing broken or out of place.

This means you were meant to operate at your full potential
at all times, in every aspect of your life.

But, life sometimes life throws its curve balls, obstacles, stumbling blocks, delays, etc, 
and these are meant to hinder you, slow you down, distract you and open you up to worry, 
doubt and stress.

Its meant to discourage you so much that you start feeling hopeless, you stop feeling motivated 
and you don't feel like you anymore and life has become a form of existence and
 resembles nothing of what you envisioned for yourself.

This of course causes anger and frustration within yourself, and this also you keep to yourself.

These negative thoughts or feelings are heavy and burdensome this is why I like to call them stones, these stones can be one large stone you carry or thousand of little pebbles, either way it burdens you, the weight is there.
your full potential, happiness, satisfaction, blessing, grace,

You were meant to have dominion on earth, not just get by, 
not just settle and accept what doesn't bring joy and satisfaction to your life.

You have a right to be happy, loved, successful, prosperous, healthy 
and whole in all areas of your life.

The Bible tells us to cast our burdens on the Lord, to lay all our cares on Him.
For with God all things are possible, there is nothing to big for our God!

Lighten your load, He is ready to help, just ask.

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Graced For Life

Grace For Life Coaching:

Laurie M. 2115 N.E 56th Ct.
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33308
(954) 850-1792

